It seems like in times of yore I remember being able to pick up a quality FIXED power scope very inexpensively. Leupold M-8's, Burris had a model, Zeiss did too. What happend to fixed powers? They were small scopes, and looked elegant atop particularly our single shots. Those that I did buy are still functioning flawlessly today.

Now, it seems as though one has to buy something with illuminated crosshairs, circles, triangles or other whizzbangs that fuzz up the sight picture so that I can shoot at extanded ranges; multiplying my chance of wounding and/or losing game; big bells front side to shoot beyond my posted legal shooting hours; or scopes that just have too much weight, heft, or other bells and whistles one really doesn't need. Now you can choose what color camo on some's entirely insane, and prices to match!

Does anyone else out there mesh with my sentiments...or is it just me?