Here's a reenactment of the post I wrote in response to Bob's specific callout of Greg and desire for a immigration reform resolution. Greg doesn't need me defending him but I'm more vocal on the political issues and it gets attributed to Greg by proxy... so I'll answer...

Criticism/tweeking of policy is encouraged... just say'n I'm a racist on emotion will be fervently debated... LOL


Obviously, no matter what the az crew say here on the 'fire, we are stereotyped as racists. Which is exactly what the Dems do to the repubs with blacks, hispanics and other minorities... doesn't matter what we say, we are the problem according to Hoyle.

First off hispanic is a broad term, put an American with hispanic roots in the same category as an illegal of Mexican/Latin america origin and you better run. My wife and son-in-law will rip you a new ass.

Funny that the american hispanics I know, and I know a few. hate Obama with a passion... they also don't like the repub choices, same as me, but hold their nose, same as me. Of course these are hard working family orientated americans, same as me... It's ironic that the inlaws (son-in-laws parents), who are transplants from Chicago, both are from an 11 kid Puerto Rican second gen family... hate democrats and Obama. Their demographic isn't hispanic, it's they are well educated professionals fairly well to do with much to lose in higher taxes and socialism... compare that to someone who has nothing to lose and more to gain, of any ethnicity.

Hispanic immigration, illegal or amnesty, is not a voting issue for 'American' hispanics... what does sway their vote is racist hate speech from MSM, NAACP, La Raza, politicians, Reverend 'whoever'... all telling them the repubs hate minorities and the dems are their saviors.

Immigration reform policy... one last time from me as it never seems to stick in anyone's mind.


100 billion spent in welfare services on illegals per year by taxpayers.

30% of crime committed by a 5% demographic.

Drug smuggling, a social issue by itself but more a security issue for those living on the border or working LE in the areas becoming a war zone.

Human smuggling, a terrible human rights issue against desperate folks taken advantage of by heinous criminals.

Identity theft with fake papers, especially SS cards.

Negative employment issues.

Terrorist threat.


Resolutions... and no, we will never reach 100% on any but a positive start and increasing percentage over time will make a huge effect...

Close the open border. If that's a combination fence, military fine.

Remove social expenditures for illegals, if they can't pay their way or be sponsored by family/friends, they don't belong here.

Once the border is tightened, start an employer sponsored guest worker program. Open employment centers at border facilities where employers can hire employees already known to them or willing to sponsor, transport and assimilate into the american work force. Background checks, paying taxes, removing fear of discovery, even the occasional intimation from unscrupulous employers... If they lose their job or quit, a grace period to be reemployed/sponsored. Mexico will still receive funds sent back to family... why do folks have to cross through dangerous environments herded by vicious criminals... which is the dem policy of turning a blind eye.

It would effectively remove the human smuggling issue from the drug smuggling, body hacking, american killing, terrorist aiding, Aztlan loving MF'ers that Greg and us others are constantly talking about.. and somehow being construed as us being racist political advocates.
