Originally Posted by AcesNeights
On multiple computers?

For us non-geeks it's the campfire that's fu.ckin this sh.it up.

If you came over to my house for dinner and got food poisoning it'd be my fault. I could give you food poisoning by cooking for you at Mannlichers house if I wanted to, but it'd still be my fault. We're eating at Casa De RickBin and that's what's payin' his bills. He needs to clean his kitchen. wink

Think of it like samenella poisoning. It usually originates at one farm but that farm distributes to 100 distributors and each of those distributors distribute to20 stores. You shop at one of those stores. Then you visit a non-infected store. You still have the infection even if the store doesn't. Just because you cough every time you enter that one non-infected store doesn't mean it's that store that is your problem. The problem came from somewhere else and is now in your body.

So, the answer to your question is, yes. Quite possible that several computers got the same samenella poisoning from different stores and only manifest here. That doesn't mean that the problem is here.

All that said, it's also quite possible that the problem is here. The only quandary that presents is why are only a dozen or so computers having problems when thousands are here daily? That leads me to believe that the source of the problem is not the Campfire.

All that to say, keep the information coming. The more blood Rick's hounds have to work with the better the chances they have at sniffing out the source.

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.