Originally Posted by siskiyous6

I will never regret killing the agents of government who come looking for our guns.


Killing without sensing regret ain't healthy.

Assuming confiscation occurs, cops/federal troops actually doing the confiscating will be performing their assigned/ordered duty. I will never even remotely entertain the thought of harming any cop; federal, state, or local for performing her/his assigned/ordered duties. The ones causing harm are our politicians. Unless we can vote them out of office, expect more compromised loss of liberty. Cops merely carrying out policy created by politicians will not be causal of loss of our Second Amendment rights. Cops cannot create law.

Here's my advice: join the Liberty Movement. Violence is not nor has it even been the answer. It's counterproductive and sinks us to the levels of the Bolsheviks of the Russian Revolution, & san-culottes & Robespierre of the French Revolution. BTW, the senseless murders of the French Revolution caused our Founding Fathers to reevaluate their beliefs in self-government.

Last edited by Laguna; 12/23/12.