I dunno how long it's been since the guy in Canada has lived in the UK but the shotgun and firearm certificate process is nowhere near as simple or easy as he makes it sound. In the first place, the licensing system is administered by the county police forces and therefore subject to the vagaries of the local cops and their admin. Several police forces in the UK have a well deserved reputation for being a complete PITA with their admin of the system.Quote

2 years ago.
Its as simple as I made it out to be. How difficult is it to ask a couple of friends to put there names and addresses on a piece of paper? sure each force is different but I cannot say enough good things about Sussex FD and NEVER had any problems and I was on first name terms with them!!. Oh and the "cops" that come and look at your cabinet, they are civvies and again whats the big deal?.
Again not sure what the big deal is with the ammo, sure expanding heads were classed as "ammo" but you want to hold 1000 rds you put that on your application, not difficult really.

Canada by choice, British by Blood

People think there's a rigid class system here, but dukes have been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans.

HRH Prince Phillip