Originally Posted by Scott F
Let me relate what happened to me a few months back. Driving from our farm to town with my wife when I got pulled over. The State officer came up to my window whner I had both my drivers license and my carry permit out of mt wallet.

Officer, "Good afternoon, may I see your license."

Me' Good afternoon Officer. I have a concealed carry permit and I am carrying today."

Officer, "Where."

Me' "Right hip."

Officer, "Fine, just leave it there. I stopped you because you have a break light out. You might want to get it fixed. Have a good day."

I am grateful every day I live in the Pac NW.

Got to ask. Why would you tell the officer you are carrying? It's really none of their business unless they ask if you are armed.

Questions that do not pertain to why I have been stopped, such as, where are you going, really bother me. I tell them the following. Your question officer, does not pertain to the matter of why you stopped me. Not that I have been stopped much but the officers I have made this statement to really had no reaction and stopped questioning.

Like the OP, my interaction with police officers over the past few years left me feeling the same.