Does anyone remember Andy Kaufman? He was a comedian and actor in the 1970�s. To counter some of the more strident feminism going on at the time, he issued an open challenge to any woman to wrestle him and pin him.

Now I don�t know if some of those matches were staged or not and maybe he picked his opponents to eliminate the biggest ones, he was always trying to put one over on his audience, but no woman ever beat him. He was a mediocre physical specimen, not very tall or heavy and certainly not very muscular but not a single woman ever pinned him while he was able to pin every woman he wrestled. Again, I'll allow that the matches could have been completely phoney but he did wrestle a professional wrestler to prove how phoney those matches were and got his ass kicked pretty badly (almost got his neck broken for real), but that�s a different story.

Point being, if no woman could pin some runty little comedian, how in the world is a young woman going to fare against a healthy, strong and motivated enemy soldier?

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!