Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by GeauxLSU
Originally Posted by Theo Gallus
I accidentally sent the payment to BofA instead. It was a roughly $2,000 bill.

Clearly their fault.
Wait, me sending them the money was their fault too!?! Wow, I thought them keeping my money for a month despite multiple request to return it and assurances from them that was happening yet it not, was the only thing they were at fault for. Heck, I'll have to call them back!!!! laugh

Haven't been around for a bit but good to see this place is as full of awesome as ever. grin Good to know some things are constant.
Hope spring time reaches a few basements sooner than later...
Sorry to hear about your money. Them keeping your money is theft, although more than likely there is something that allows them to legally just keep it in some part of the member's agreement that you signed.

I did a thread about BoA a couple of weeks back asking an honest question about whether or not they could be sued for not honoring gun and gun-related charges. It seems like a civil rights violation to me. I got flamed all over the place and accused of mph, etc. So don't take it too seriously.

Ironically, we never use our BoA card anymore anyway and our second BoA card only because it has Bass Pro rewards on it. I'd have canceled them both already if it weren't for it effecting my credit score.
Probably right E (about the agreement) but I cancelled the blasted card so I was a little surprised they even accepted the payment into a closed account. Of course hard to imagine a bank NOT accepting money. grin
This was a BPS card and at the time let BofA and BPS know why I cancelled it. I don't shop at BPS anymore because of that. They wouldn't even answer why they continue to support BofA when directly asked. When all that hit the fan about McMillan and BofA, BPS' answer was to sponsor a "2nd amendment sale" but ONLY if you used their BofA card. They have nerve... I'll give them that...

NRA Lifer
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." - Mark Twain
"Everybody has principles... until they are an inconvenience." - Me