Originally Posted by ribka
if you know of a safe place to invest would love to know...

I'll make you a deal, if I find one I'll let you know about it.

I've made some terrible investing mistakes in the last several years. I got out of the stock market right before the crash in 2008. (Very good move)... but then I stayed in bonds. (Not a good move) I continued to buy stocks with fresh money from the crash onward (Good job) and even took a good bit of the gains off the table when the all time highs came in. (Great job) But I left a lot of it on the table. (Bad move!!!) Went long energy in 2008. (Good job) But also invested in alt energy (Shakes head sadly)

I guess I am a lot like quite a few folks. Sometimes I do smart things and sometimes I do dumb things. The crash in 2008 and the housing bubble bust were so easy to see it was scary. Now? An absolutely unprecedented market.

Long term I still believe gold will be a good investment. But IF this is a symptom of bad things in foreign lands taking shape I have to remember what happened to gold the last time we had a serious market correction/crash. Gold wasn't immune, it was tanking like everything else.

Maybe I am just a cautious person? I'm sure as hell not someone who could sell investment advice. smile


Smellin' a lot of 'if' coming off this plan.