For every boom there is a bust, this sort of thing goes on all the time, The real question is when the Bloom comes off the Chinese Rose, were is the prices of a lot of commodities are going to decline. Look what has happened with ammo, their has been a lot of panic buying you could almost say ammo has become a commodity of sore something that can be traded for other goods and services. At some point its going to go bust, these things always do. Its the herd mentality, get people to panic, and in a panic people tend not to make good decisions. Lest face it with gold you had a lot of heavy advertising to buy it because of well you can name any issue you want. Gold will end up were the market place wants it. So you are fine right now if you bought all your gold at 200 an oz, you are not if you bought your gold at 1800 an oz. Its sort of like what happened with silver in the 1980's when a couple of Texans tried to corner the market. They dam near when bankrupt as I recall.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov