Pointer I'm with you. I live in a snowbird sanctuary and they use volunteers at the local birding center. Last summer, when I'd walk the mile and a half trail through the park, this one old volunteer kept giving me grief.

His first statement to me ever was, "there's no camping in the park" despite my greeting and explanation that I was preparing for a back country bear hunt. This is a mile from the hospital I work and noone would accidentally camp there.

Another trip to the park and with my Expedition the only vehicle in the parking lot, same snowbird asked me where I'd walked in from, and did I know there was no camping? I said, Yes, and I've walked the entire 50 feet from my SUV, pointing at it. I was here yesterday remember?

Finally, the third and last time he hassled me was with another volunteer. I asked point blank if I was welcome there and if not, just give back my family membership pass. The other volunteer said, of course I was welcome and I wasn't hassled again.

However, this year there's a new batch of aged volunteers...

�Some people hear their own inner voice with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy�or they become legend."--Jim Harrison
