Originally Posted by Pete E

And of course your forefathers never fought/oppressed the native Canadian Indians when they took their land?

No, actually, MY forefathers here in Canada, DID NOT ...oppress... ANYONE and half of them WERE British, but, Scots, not English.

The situation here from when my Norse ethnic forbearers first came to "Vinland" circa AD 885 and then my actual family arrived with Sir William Alexander, in the 17thC. and the horrific behaviour of the English, specifically in the late 18th, the 19th and the 20thC.s IN IRELAND to the indigenous Irish people is much different.

Perhaps, the best comment on this affair, the responsibility of the English, is found in the 19thC. Irish saying, among the survivors of "The Famine" and it is, "God sent the potato blight, but, the English sent the Famine".

The FACT is that continual shiploads of foods produced in Ireland were taken by the rapacious English to their island while the Irish starved and some 1-2 million people are said to have perished in that genocidal tragedy largely as a result of English perfidy and brutal suppression of Irish people.

The best thing that could happen to Ireland is reunification under the republic and to get the English out of their country.

Erin Go Bragh!