In the horrific carnage that was "The Great War", 1914-1919, we of the British Commonwealth went to war to honour certain treaties and we lost 1.7 MILLION of our finest people, almost an entire generation of our young men to help the Euros.

One of our two major enemies, was "The Austro-Hungarian Empire" and this included a people called the Czechs.....a mere 20 years later, still suffering from our sacrifice in the first one, we somehow "owed" it to these people to come to their aid and save those who killed many of our people from their former allies...........???????????

Geez, somehow, this just does not compute for me, but, I tend to wonder about Hungarians, former Nazis themselves, these other eastern Euros and the Belgians, who, after what we did for them the first time, REFUSED to allow British troops to cross their soil in the opening battles of WWII, which could have saved British lives and then whined for help after Adolf and his gang invaded them.

One MIGHT think that IF all of these Euros, were such mighty warriors, they would and should and could have held WWII and whipped the Nazis alone, without even MORE of our blood spilled to help them.