I heard from my friends brother in law's father that the tasco's track and hold zero as well as the very expensive Night force scopes and that the optics for all NF and Tasco scopes are made in the same plant and that the guts of both scopes are almost identical. He also said the Army almost gave the new sniper scope contract to Tasco over S&B but the Germans promised to kick back 20% of their scope prices to the Solar Power initiative in the US. If you get a chance to peer through a Tasco side by side with a S&B the similarity is obvious to anyone. As a matter of fact its rumored that Zeiss owns a big stake in Tasco and uses them as sort of an optics skunk works as they have some real optical geniuses working there. He further goes on to say that in a pinch you can dismount the world class 3-9 x 50 and it will function as a perfect "butt out" tool on medium to large deer.