Originally Posted by Boxer


Jeezus [bleep]...give it a break toots. First you felt compelled to come clean that you were [bleep] utterly clueless for the 20yrs you thought you shot and now you wanna drive that home,by citing you ain't shot in a decade since. That ain't hardly [bleep] fair,to unleash that much oblivious humor in one [bleep] Thread. Laffin'!

Lemme be clear again,everyone understands your glaring ineptitude and you really needn't pinpoint your dumbfhukktirtude again. That being said,here's to the sanctity of your being powerless in that refrain.

Bless your heart.


"Glaring ineptitude"? That coming from a slope-headed dwarf, talking to someone who's been awarded a President's Hundred tab