I'd agree MM..I don't believe it's caused by "new shooters"..the numbers say gun ownership is up, but not enough to cause this situation. For what it's worth, there is nothing to be found here at all.. Guy will say they had a few boxes couple days ago but gone in a minute etc...same old story..same guys lining up in the AM...

Think it's just part human nature too in that people who aren't hoarders by any stretch will buy whatever they happen to come across just because they figure, this may be my last chance to score any for 6 months...

I'm pretty decent on .22 but if I walked into Walmart and saw a brick or three on the shelf I would buy it for sure.. Simply to replace what I've shot up. But I haven't seen any on the shelf for who knows how long now.

She never made it past the bedroom door, what was she aiming for...?
She's gone shootin..