Picture this. You are in the right lane driving a 26 wheel semi weighing 100,000 pounds. You are doing the speed limit. I Jetta comes down the freeway entrance ramp behind you and there is plenty of room, maybe ten truck lengths of open space for the Jetta to merge but in your mirror you see it driving down the shoulder of the freeway on your right side. Is it passes you you see a blond woman driving with a cell phone in one hand and "talking" in the air with the other hand. There are two baby seats in the back seat. She pulls into your lane as soon as she pulls in front of you so close you cannot see the lights on the back of the Jetta then she puts on the breaks and slows to ten under the speed limit.

When I was driving this was a real situation averaging at least three times a day. I thank God I never hurt anyone nor did I ever have an accident but I have slid loads trying to stop aand keep from running them over.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!