Originally Posted by Bristoe
I live in an old subdivision just outside of down town,...narrow streets, with on street parking.

There's not room for 2 cars to pass on any of these streets.

Here's what I see on a regular basis around here.

Two men meet,..the one closest to a gap in the cars parked on the street pulls over and lets the other guy by.

Both wave as a simple gesture of common courtesy.

If you meet a woman driver coming down one of these narrow residential streets, it's time to find a place to get out of her way.

She's brain dead in the middle of the road and she owns the sumbitch.

Don't expect her to deviate one iota from her path for anything and don't expect her to slow down.

She might as well be a freight train on tracks.

That's a very valid observation.

Not a real member - just an ordinary guy who appreciates being able to hang around and say something once in awhile.

Happily Trapped In the Past (Thanks, Joe)

Not only a less than minimally educated person, but stupid and out of touch as well.