Originally Posted by JPro
Not a rant here, just an observation.
I know quite a few women who I'd classify as having "logic-based" thinking, and they practically never have accidents, but I sure do see a lot of women these days thinking they have the right of way with no green arrow, turning out of order at 4-way stops, pulling out in front of traffic without looking, driving at full speed down the center turn lane, and crossing the highway centerline while putting on makeup or talking on the phone. Several of the instances I saw this past week could have been really bad if the other drivers hadn't been driving defensively.

Oh come on, let's have a rant.

In addition to what's already mentioned, they don't come to complete stop at stop signs, don't use turn signals, don't make lane changes properly, drive slow in the fast lane, don't take control of the intersection when making left turns, driving distracted talking on cell phone or texting, turn into the wrong lane, stop in the middle of the road to gawk, stop on the on-ramp instead of properly merging when entering onto the freeway, grrrrrr.

Originally Posted by Jpro
Anybody else notice this happening more frequently? Are these drivers just more distracted than their male counterparts or do they maybe not have a real understanding of basic driving rules? Lots of real jack-wagon male drivers are certainly out there, but they sure seem to be outnumbered by pleasant young women that just aren't paying attention......

I'm not sure that it's happening more frequently where I live. Colorado drivers have always been horrible. I don't see that it's unique to women either. Very often I see old people making these mistakes and I'm 66, so have nothing against old people. Often they are driving so timidly that they endanger everyone else. They rarely have accidents but they are often the cause of accidents.

Rant over.


Wind in my hair, Sun on my face, I gazed at the wide open spaces, And I was at home.