The story I always heard growing up was that the "inventors" of the Zippo lighters used to sell them out of the trunk of their car in the 1930's.

They would go into a bar and place themselves at opposite ends of the bar. Then one would take out a cigarette and ask if anyone had a "light". His partner, at the opposite end of the bar would take out his "Zippo", light it and toss it to he other end of the bar....still burning. His partner would light his smoke and toss it back....still burning. He would close it and the questions would begin. Lighters of the day were NOT windproof so this was an impressive demonstration. They would then sell lighters to all the bar customers. Afew years later the milirary picked up on the Zippo and the rest is history....

I hate change, it's never for the better.... Grumpy Old Men
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know