Originally Posted by MadMooner
I waited tables and bartender for years.
One constant in every state is servers don't pay chit for tax. Typically you'd see people claim maybe 10% of their sales or their credit card tips, which ever was higher. Maybe. Many claim far less.

Depending on where you work you can make a decent penny. You sure as chit aint gonna retire early! I've worked at joints that averaged $50 a shift, which sucks, and I've averaged $150 a shift, which is enough to keep a college kid in booze and puss. Most I ever made in a day was probably about $600. Not bad for a kid working part time.

I know some that make considerably more, $200+ a shift on average here in WA, sometimes much more, while collecting $9 sumptin an hour from the house and claiming practically no tips. A grand or so a week, in cash, for essentially part time work, 25 or so hours.

Since they claim so little of their tips, most are eligible on paper for government aid. Many collect food stamps, have kids on the public dime and other bullchit. Almost none have any health insurance. I've known more than a few to claim indigent care and then drop 5k for a set of bolt on knockers.

I no longer work in restaurants, but still work closely with them. While I've lived off tips in the past, and still tip better than most today, our culture of tipping is totally fugged up. It is out of control.

Nearly all feel entitled to 20%.

I always thought it'd be interesting if servers paid the house to work sections and shifts. Kinda like a hair dresser pays to use a chair in a salon. Then the server could negotiate a percentage of goods sold to be paid by the house. 1099 the servers at the end of the year. The house could choose the best to represent them, the server would be self employed and control his/her future. If the house wants to go cheap and hire idiots, let em go broke. The smart ones would hire the best and pay the going (living) rates. Let the house pay some else to do side work and clean.

I dunno, ain't got the answer but don't like the out of control culture of tipping and bullchit that goes along with it.

Great post.

Originally Posted by Archerhunter

Quit giving in inch by inch then looking back to lament the mile behind ya and wonder how to preserve those few feet left in front of ya. They'll never stop until they're stopped. That's a fact.