The following is from the last of his article:

"Perhaps instead of getting into our corners and screaming at each other, it is time to engage in intelligent conversation about our desire to preserve the rights granted to American citizens by our Constitution while at the same time ensuring the safety of all of our citizens. The way we treat access to automobiles is a good starting point, although there is no perfect analogy. If we keep our goals in mind and dispose of ideological rhetoric, we can solve this problem."

He has the wrong starting point. I suggest we treat the analysis the same way as we treat access to any other fundamental right protected by the Constitution.

Rather than analogizing to automobiles, I suggest we start comparing the right to possess arms to the right to possess religious literature, such as the Bible or perhaps to political propaganda such as "The Audacity of Hope". Both of these books have been used to create or justify much more harm and suffering than all the firearms ever created.