Originally Posted by WillARights

...disarm the gangbangers. sweep THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS, not law abiding citizens homes and apts. that will slow down the killing.

Now, the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and guarantee to speak ones mind is akin to human conscienceness, or thought; your very being. First you have the thot, then you speak it.

AND number two, is in its position for a reason. Its not 4 or 5, its the 2ND Amendment. The right to protect said conscienceness and well being by any means.

THAT'S what i prefer Carson to say. Then its case closed. And its irrefutable. As it should be
Great idea!!!! Grow a set of balls, and attack the BAD guys - NOT THE GOOD GUYS! Heck the good guys are easy. That is the reason they go after us. We obey the law, and for the most part, do what we are told. The bad guys say pluck you, and continue on their way.