Originally Posted by StripBuckHunter
I completely disagree with Wayne LaPierre's $800,000+ annual salary.

What, you don't think a professional firefighter should part time as an arsonist?

Watch this video of Joaquin Jackson as an NRA board member talking about "assault weapons" and magazine capacities. He states outright that "personally, I think assault weapons have basically, need to be to be in the hands of the military and in the hands of police. As far as assault weapons to a civilian, it's alright as long as you have that magazine capacity down to five".

Then of course there is the NRA "explanation", along with Joaquin's "explanation". He of course crawfishes big time, saying that he was talking about "true assault" weapons, i.e., full autos, and didn't get a chance to explain before he was cut short, which is an outright lie since the then current discussion had only to do with semi-autos and high cap magazines and nothing whatsoever to do with full autos, of which there was no discussion at the time.

Yet NRA members continue to vote Joaquin on the BOD, relying on a candidates �qualifications� based on the profile supplied by those who nominated said candidate instead of checking the candidates qualifications themselves. One would think that the NRA would take it upon themselves to disqualify a nominee based on the nominees track record. Does anyone really believe that the likes of Joaquin wouldn't compromise at the drop of a hat?

The NRA may on occasion do some good in some places, but from my experience, the NRA quivers in the background while others stand at the forefront of the battles, and when the battles are won, they push, shove, or otherwise elbow their way to the front to take the credit.

I've been an NRA member in some capacity for nearly 40 years, starting in the mid '70's with continued annual membership until life membership in the early '80's, then endowment membership in the mid '90's. During the first Clinton gun ban, I signed up 20-30 folks on my own in a matter of a few weeks, browbeating as necessary to try and get them to understand why they �needed� to join the NRA. Even prior to that ban I had signed up countless others and had also paid for a half dozen or more life memberships for still others.

I thought I was doing all the good, to the point that I'd strained or sprained one or the other of my arms over the years patting myself on the back for all I had done pushing the NRA by signing up all those members. Then I began noticing that bad bills were still getting passed in the legislature while good bills failed. So I started asking why. What I found is that while the NRA may do some good in some places some of the time, they are just like any other huge corporation that has good managers and bad managers.

The NRA hires off the street to do some of the work such as state liaisons. Wyoming was blessed with an NRA liaison who happened to have previously worked as finance coordinator for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee. I'm fairly certain most here know Rudy's stance on gun control. In fairness, that liaison also worked in the same capacity for Jim Gilmore, who is (as far as I know) pro gun. The problem with folks who hire on to the highest bidder is that they may not have their heart in the cause and may be more interested in keeping their job than putting forth the effort required to insure bad gun bills don't become law, especially if their ideals differ from those they work for. Sort of like Wayne keeping the fires burning so he always has something to do, much like the hyperbole the anti-gunners/media uses to paint the NRA as the bad guy so they have someone to blame for not getting their way.

As others have pointed out, there are other organizations (NAGR, SAF, CCRKBA, et al) who do as much or more to defend our gun rights without all the fanfare and all too often compromises that have led us to where we are today, still fighting for our rights. Many of the non-NRA organizations are no compromise, and that doesn't sit well with a lot of NRA members.

It takes more than simply being a member of an organization by virtue of annual dues or life memberships. It takes grassroots efforts of contacting reps and voicing your opinion (often akin to beating your head against the wall or repeatedly striking your head with a hammer, depending on your reps), continuous monetary contributions to the organizations at the forefront, and encouraging others of like mind to do the same, among other things.

Things like knowing who your NRA liaison is, what their qualifications are, exactly where they stand, what they are doing on your behalf, watching to see what legislation the NRA is supporting or not supporting, who the NRA is supporting or not, and asking why there are anti gun Board Members (voted in by NRA members as previously noted - if you can get an answer). You may be surprise to find you will be stonewalled just like the current regime has stonewalled on Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS, etc. It's a grand way to not answer valid questions.

Too many folks seem to think that if they are a member of some organization they are �doing something� for the cause and to some degree they are. I understand that not everyone can or is able to contribute money on a regular basis, or that they aren't comfortable writing letters to or calling their legislators and for them, that's OK. I was the same way for many years and it took me way too long to realize that.

The bottom line is that we all need to support as many pro gun groups as we can and not just the NRA. It isn't always the Goliaths that win the battles. Sometimes it's the Davids. YMMV

How many obama supporters does it take to change a light bulb? None, they prefer to remain in the dark.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

George Bernard Shaw

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~