Originally Posted by KyWindageII
So do you just ignore that the long term trend of CO2 concentrations and heat are increasing? Your graphs.

No, but when the hypothesis doesn't fit the data, it doesn't mean you ignore the data and keep the hypothesis!

The data doesn't fit their models. Not one single model of theirs has come close to being accurate over 30 years.

It's time to revisit the science. This time, in my opinion, with an emphasis on solar activity.

Originally Posted by bigwhoop
The graph provided by Calhoun is from "Global Carbon Project". Guess what, they already subscribe to anthropogenic global warming! How in the hell can you go from there with so-called objective data?

Go read their "About GCP" page and you will see they already are "all in"!
Too many here give them credibility and full authoritarian license.
That is NOT the scientific model!

I went with the best graph to for presentation purposes, but I checked the numbers against several web sites. It doesn't mean the data is right, I definitely don't think it's beneath NASA or our gov't or the IPCC to lie about the data (hockey stick graph anybody?), but what I showed does seem to be agreed upon.

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