40-50 years of data is statistically insignificant with regard to climate change. All this captures is a tiny slice of time within an interglacial period. There is absolutely no way to show that an uptick in average annual temps on the order of five centuries is anything other than natural variation within the cycle. Continental glaciers have advanced and receded several times over the last 400,000 years with absolutely no human influence. The relatively brief interglacial periods have been subject to a great deal of temperature variation as well.

Climate change is triggered by a combination of solar activity, the wobble of the earth's rotation, volcanic activity, ocean currents, landmass movement, and likely many mechanisms we have not even thought of. To think that we can arrest the constant state of climate change by altering a small percentage of one greenhouse gas is the height of hubris.

Last edited by TnBigBore; 04/24/14.

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