Originally Posted by Halfadozen
Depends on the severity of the tear. I had the MRI done and opted not to do the surgery. I consulted with a leading surgeon for the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Christian. I opted for rehab to strengthen the structure and it worked. I can't play softball anymore, but can still draw a 70 pound bow with no problem as I have strengthened all of the supporting muscles. Throwing a ball still hurts because of the twisting motion in your shoulder. I have learned to know how I should use the shoulder and haven't had any problems. The key is the muscle build up.

This was true for me, from 2003-2014. I had a partial tear diagnosed in '03 and the surgeon (a very good one) recommended surgery. I got a few other opinions and opted for re-hab, which worked up until this year when I aggravated the injury. I am at the point where I have pretty much constant pain, and lots of things will set it off and make the pain worse. I had a cortisone shot, which worked for about 6 weeks but most doctors will tell you is not a long-term solution and will degenerate the tissue eventually.

I still do the PT stuff, strengthening and range-of-motion exercises, but my plan is surgery after this hunting season.

A wise man is frequently humbled.