I had a total shoulder arthroplasty done in 2010, they cut off head of humerus, pound in a metal staub about 8 inches long with a shiny new humeral head, grind out the inner surface of the glenoid socket and line in with polyethylene material. It's a big open surgical procedure, for they have to gain access to shoulder capsule, cut through rotator cuff and literally pop the humerous out of socket and lift out to be able to saw off the humeral head.
I opted for a nerve block also, don't know how much it helped, for I was pretty miserable for a long time. The advice from others is spot on, although I wish I had rat holed some pain meds like Kevin advised for PT. I had a great therapist,Dr White, who was a black guy; that sonofabitch would stretch and manipulate me till I thought I would pass out at times. He always began each session by advising me I could call him any name in the book while he worked on me, just don't hit him.
It took a good year till I would say I was close to 100%, don't know if you can get there from here, but I feel pretty good just the same. I had spent years of half sleepless nights and constant pain and feel better now than I can even remember.
I'd advise anyone with shoulder problems to not put it off, or rely on cortisone, that's bad stuff, great short term relief but has to many side effects. Get it done and work like hell to get back in the game, you'll not regret it.