I had a bone spur from an AC separation heal wrong, and just for Travis the Spoon and Polesmoker's edification, it happened in SERE School. Years later the spur finally started shredding my cuff. They were able to fix mine through the scope. Had it done early in the morning and went home with a morphine pump. Didn't need the pump at all that day until I went to bed, or tried to. I tried to give myself a dose and, because the dumbazz nurse didn't flush the line, all I got was saline every 15min for the next 3hr. It was a long night. I stayed on the dope that day and again that night. Next morning it was just sore as hell, and gradually became less so over the next few months. PT helped but not much. Apley's Scratch Test still showed markedly reduced range of motion with slight impingement even after two months of PT. Just getting back into the gym slowly and doing a LOT of overhead barbell work, IE, presses, and pullups (started using a big huge pallet band under my feet) and I can press 80% of my bodyweight overhead now and do ten pullups. It was nearly a year before I could do a single dip without pain. That was the last area to improve.