1B: Okay - Lets say I take all of your post for gospel - EXCEPT, the "SS" models you claim are "dino-killers" and the "unfixed issues".
I have watched the SS #1-V models leave stores shelves "quickly" in recent years.
In fact I have bought three of them myself and consider them to be accurate and handsome Rifles.
Indeed they are "different" but I do not think they had anything to do with the "demise in demand".
The #1-V SS's are especially popular in the circles I run in.
By coincidence I was in a store today and picked up two "pricey" current gun magazines (rags!) neither of which I was willing to part with $5.00+ for.
There, featured on BOTH magazines covers, were pictures of Ruger #1's - and inside said magazines were articles on Ruger #1's.
The last short paragraph of one of the magazine articles stated the Ruger #1 was Bill Rugers "favorite Ruger Rifle".
I did not know that.
IF... there are "unfixed issues" with the MANY Ruger #1's I have owned in the past and those many that I still own, then I have NEVER personally been troubled by said issues!
Long live the Ruger #1
Hold into the wind