DIYguy, excellent testing there. We used to do a very similar test for the hunter's ed. students back in the 80's and 90's by having a student stretch a piece of deer hide across a coffee can and letting another push an arrow thru. The Zwicky's were always the easiest to get thru. The old Muzzy's and Razorback 5's were always the hardest to get thru the hide. Often, the hide could not be held tight enough on the can for the three and four bladed heads with tro-car or cone tips to penetrate.
We also did a test for toughness against bone. Shoot them at a concrete block and thru an old stop sign.
At that time nothing beat the heads made by Harry Elburg for strength, Grizzly's in particular. Usually you could pull them out with the pliers, touch up the edge and go hunting with them.
Several Zwicky's survived that test, but less than 50%. Never saw any component type heads pass the concrete or stop sign test.
Maybe you give some of the newer ones a try?
Thanks for posting your results. Looks to me like in spite of the advertising there is not much new in the broadhead world.