Originally Posted by MarineHawk
Originally Posted by tex_n_cal
No way it will be a 1911, even though it's a better choice than the M9. My bet will be either the HK45, or the P227.

Much as we all like the 1911, it's going to be hard for any military officer to walk up to a Congresscritter or bureaucrat and say, we want a 103 year old design smirk even if they say it's "reimagined" or whatever smile

The USMC went back to the .45 ACP in a 1911 platform a couple of years ago: http://www.gunsandammo.com/2012/07/20/colt-awarded-contract-from-u-s-marine-corps/

Sort of, three battalions (MARSOC) of the USMC went back to the 1911, and like I've already posted, the Quantico built 1911's the Colts replaced left a really bad impression and not all of them are impressed. It'll be a cold day in hell before the USMC drops that kind of coin for a handgun for fleet marines. MARSOC can because they belong to SOCOM