Originally Posted by 8SNAKE
Originally Posted by Nrut
Most likely the CIA and their masters the "Sate Dept." were involved in the shot down..
ovomit has been jonesing for a war with Russia and Putin out maneuvers him at every turn!
Russian has nothing to gain going to war..
The Wests political and finical elite have everything to gain from going to war..
Pull your [bleep] head out of your farthole!

There's absolutely no way Bammy would have arranged for this plane to get zapped in the hope of sparking a war with Russia. For one, Barry doesn't strike me a war monger. More importantly, a war does nothing to further his political agenda here in the US. War tends to unite a country and fuel the pride of nationalism. That won't help open the door for amnesty of illegals and risks the political stronghold that democrats currently have in national elections.
Barry is a globalist shill. He serves at their pleasure. War and disruption always benefits globalist objectives, i.e., to tear down what's left of the old order in order to further consolidate power in the hands of banker technocrats.