Russia supplied pilots to the North Koreans in that conflict. They also supplied planes, and pilots, not to mention SA2 SAMS and their crews to the North Vietnamese.
Russia supplied material, training, special forces and cover to the 'separatists' in the Georgia conflict.
Russia supplied troops, weapons, intelligence, media and cover for the recent partition of Ukraine and Crimea.
Why is is such a freaking leap to assume that they are not doing the SAME damn thing with regards to the Ukrainian separatist movement?
What does Putin have to gain? Well, territory, all those nuke weapons that stayed in the Ukraine, and it he is known to want to reconstruct the old Soviet Union.
The BUK system that shot down the Malaysian air liner was recently moved into the Ukraine, was manned by Russian troops, and taken back to Russia after it's task was done.
Putin knows that no one in the world will do a damn thing about anything he does.
He has a lot to gain, and very little to lose. Hell, it was the commie effers that taught American progressives about the big lie.
