Originally Posted by acooper1983

you are a complete [bleep] moron, im literally laughing at the ignorace that your spewing. I bet your kids and your wife are dead scared to walk down the street with all the fear mongering going on in your house, you're a sad pathetic sack of chit.

When you can put together a rational argument that a dog the attacks without provocation and goes into kill mode is any kind of normal you might get some sympathy. The fact of the matter is that anyone who even remotely trusts a pit they don't know at all, and especially around children is the one with nothing between his ears. Further, when it's a breed which has such a well documented history of killing people and children I really do think you're as much a part of the problem as TRH and his "gangstas". Grow the [bleep] up or go off yourself. The world has enough jackasses like you.