Thanks a lot most helpful. I admit I have been spoiled here with Home Depot right next door but in the past we didn't have any hardware stores and getting supplies was tough. For some reason things back then either where made better or we where to broke to have the nicer things that seem more fragile. I didn't know what a dishwasher was until my early twenties. I seem to thrive in a challenging environment. When we came to NC I took a job as an installer at a granite company. Within two years I was the Ops Manager and had added two divisions and tapped us into a whole new market with no construction experience. I then remodeled my whole house pretty much solo. Then I joined a Solar company as a tech with no electrical engineering experience and am now the Man. Ops Manager and also the Quality/Change Control PM. I always tell people right place at the right time. I could grow with my company but to be honest get sick of the rat race and everyone believing they don't own enough stuff. I am sure it exists everywhere but I want to raise my kids someplace with different hardships like I grew up with.