Originally Posted by ColdTriggerFinger
Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
The way I see it is you can find a million reasons not to do it. If you really want it then do it. It won't be easy, but nothing worth doing is easy.

Nailed my view zakly!!
I've added professions as the need arose. Living in Southeast and working in the arctic is an extra challenge and why in the world would you want to actually Live inKetchikan ????? Yuk.
Most of the bark has been peeled off of Southeast. When we lost the pulp mills the liberals and gubmints took the place over. It used to be a wonderfully free place. It's just gross now compared to how it used to be.
L.E. up the wazoo. Spy cams every where. Dumb asses that cant navigate their way out of a paper bag without GPS and semi continous runs of flagging tape.
Game and fish hogs that waste more than they eat.
Village life isn't nearly as simple as most think. Either you and your spouse become part of the village or you wont be there long. If your looking for lots of $$$$$$ that ship sailed some time ago.
But if you REALLY WANT TO BE ALASKAN'S !!! It can be done very well and you can prosper up here. But it takes about everything you and yours got.

I can think of a lot worse places to live than Ktown. Juneau would be one of those places. (grin) Good fishing, an airport, walmart, close proximity to good hunting. Ktown has a lot going for it.