I'm as much of a motorhead as anyone, but ATV's are strictly for game retrieval during hunting season. Period. They're also okay if you want to have less impact than driving a pickup or four-wheel-drive CAR somewhere to position yourself.
I remember some folks from Wisconsin, they pulled into our range at Steamboat (pay to shoot on the honor system, they had NOT). RV, trailer full of quads.
So, they are banging away, and they'd unloaded a quad and were RIDING IT up to the 100 yard backers. In the GUMBO, making the GUMBO way WORSE.
Oh, was I hot. The sheriff was a mile or so down the highway, so I said, darn, I forgot something.
Zoomed off to the SO, said come back to the range in about 10 minutes, zoomed back. Started setting up, said, welcome to Colorado, whereyafrum etc etc. Oh, do you have your shooting chits? Oh, you don't? Well, we keep the gate open for you guys and five bucks is cheap.
So, in the meantime, the bickering starts, and one of them gets on the ATV and starts heading to the backers. WTF?
About that time, an SO unit comes in from the west (opposite direction, a radio dispatch I found out later) and comes cruising up.
Hi how ya doing? Hi Dave! Hi Deputy Jim.
Deputy Jim was busy writing for a few minutes.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.