Originally Posted by Bristoe
There's the fun crazy chicks,..and then there's the others.

The ex was one of the others.

Very bright and always played her cards close to her chest. I found that interesting for a long while. But as time wore on, I gradually learned that a man was a means to an end for her,...and once the goal had been realized, she had no further use for them.

That in itself wouldn't have been so bad,...but her method for ridding herself of the no longer needed accessory was to drive it crazy by using her high IQ to construct a never-ending series of devious schemes,...to the extent that it became second nature for her to do so.

Man,...I've been to the mountain top when it comes to "crazy chicks".

I'm right with ya, brother. Your divorce sounds like mine. A cogent argument could be made CA family law encourages divorce; it certainly discourages remarriage. My ex was in it for money. And she was good with lying like hell to get it. It is an often repeated refrain that in CA family law, the best liar wins. I've been told countless times that it's a game. And family law lawyers wonder why even other lawyers have no respect for them. But then again, a person would have to be better than half-whacked to want to "earn a living" by destroying families.

I know of two divorced women in Orange County, one knocking down 20k a month and another 18.5k a month. Under CA law, they'll get it for life unless they remarry. So why would either remarry? They cougar prowl for arm candy.

Another screwed up her chance of hog riding on high. She filed in the wrong state. Had she filed in CA, she'd of been looking at 17.5k a month. Keep in mind that these are only women I know of. Assuredly there are many others.

Is there any wonder why women with access to wealth move to CA, establish residency, and then file for divorce here?

How is it that forcing men to work for the sole benefit of their former spouses is not slavery?

�If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.�
***US President James Madison***