Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
to the OP, answering your title

in a word...NO

we're lucky to have the good cops that serve their communities honorably

He can't see that from his mommy's basement though

Or could it be that some of us recognize that you can on the one hand say that there are disturbing trends in LE these days while at the same time appreciating (even more!!) the good ones we do have?

Exceptions don't disprove rules. Just because there are (many!!) excellent officers of the law out there does not mean we aren't witnessing a sea change in the industry that is extraordinarily disturbing for those who love individual liberty and the rule of law vs "might makes right".

Furthermore, LEs here on this site (the majority of whom seem to me to be exceptional) need not take it personally. I am a banker, but don't take it personally when the very legitimate concerns are raised here about the unfortunate direction my industry is heading. Indeed I bear witness to it every day and do what I can to slow the trend, so I don't take it as an attack when someone here criticizes bankers.

The only thing new in police activity is everyone with a video device recording it. What could once simply be dismissed as malcontents making false claims against a good officer now gets stickier. You could take any complaint that got shot down 40 years ago and use it to narrate the videos made today. We need to get back to that simpler time from decades past so we can once again have police officers being perceived as being beyond reproach.

"My message to my troops is if you see anybody carrying a gun on the streets of Milwaukee, we'll put them on the ground, take the gun away and then decide whether you have a right to carry it." - Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn