Originally Posted by deflave
Lights can and are discussed to the end of the earth. They are greatly beneficial when you have to point a weapon and cover a threat. So beneficial in fact, that Taser builds the light into the unit itself.

But you will never meet anybody teaching tactics (that isn't retarded) tell you that a WML is a substitute for a handheld. The only time that would be the case is during the time you are clearing caves in Afghanistan, or clearing a crack house during the ride along your cop friend invited you to. If that is the case, by all means, feel free to point your weapon at everything that isn't your team mate.

As far as being a target, Bluedreaux and varmintsinc covered it. It's armchair if you're talking about home defense. You're going to need to illuminate your threat. Anybody that doesn't think positive identification of a suspected threat is important, should try and speak to that legless dude in South Africa.

I have heard all the debates regarding how to hold a light. First it was under the gun. Then it was to the side. Then some companies tried to make a few bucks selling a light that could be incorporated into your grip. Then people were told to hold high and away! Reason being, the perp may think you're the Green Giant and shoot that direction while you calmly use your light to illuminate the subject and eliminate the threat... And the best I have heard? Don't hold it high and away because most inexperienced shooters will drop rounds low and left due to trigger jerk and anticipation of recoil... Umm... yeah. Let's develop a tactic based on the assumption that our enemy sucks. No thanks.

Most people that use WML for a living will opt out of them for one reason and one reason only. Bulk added to the duty belt. That's a fact jack. Carry Batman's belt around long enough and you start finding reasons to not carry schit instead of reasons to carry schit. Not always of course. But very often this will be the reasoning behind not having one for day to day carry.

In the house? I like one on the pistol and one in my hand. The one in my hand is usually one of the kind that runs on a 6 volt battery. Yeah, the big ones with springs. They're cheap, light schit up nice and are big enough that your kids can't lose them. I put them all over the house for day to day use and in case of emergency.

I have put light on a couple people around my home. Every time I have done so it was with the Wal-Mart special. Which is how it should be. If the need arises to have a gun on that person, it is a very simple transition.

Last thought; if you are concerned about illumination and don't have tritiums, you're putting carriages in front of horses IMO.

My flashlight stash has been decimated by kids losing them and giving them away to friends. I bought this pack just yesterday at Sam's Club for twenty bucks. They WILL light stuff up and are much handier than the 6 volt lanterns you're hauling around. I can't speak for longevity. They take AAA batteries (3) though, and you can find them anywhere.


Much wisdom in what you're saying about flashlight tactics.