Originally Posted by cwh2
Originally Posted by snubbie

Go to a typical outdoor store and the selection of "energy" bars is overwhelming. I wouldn't know where to start.

Grab one of everything, and eat them for lunch/etc. (Preferably when you are within 50 yards of a toilet).

Do the same at walmart. (I mean buy a bunch of bars, not try a bunch of bars and use their toilet).

I hope never to have to use a Walmart toilet.

Frankly, I rarely ever eat anything that is a gutbomb and causes that reaction in me, at least not that quickly. I did try Fiber One bars once. Man, I could have filled the Hindenburg with the gas.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Originally Posted by Calvin
As far as gear goes.. The poorer (or cheaper) you are, the tougher you need to be.
