When I shot every day and was practicing at 70 and 80 yards all the time my self imposed limit was still 50yards.... And it would have taken (my version of) an idealistic scenario before I let an arrow fly at that distance on game.

Now I don't shoot nearly as much... I can group well still at 50, but I put a limit on myself at 35yards... I'm just not as in-tune with my equipment as I used to be.

Either way I bow hunt for the experience, not for flinging arrows at game at distances that stretch my abilities to hit them. My goal is to set everything up correctly so that I don't even have to consider "is that too far to shoot." The goal for me is that when I raise my bow up to make a shot I don't have to even think about exactly how far away they are or which pin to use..it's top pin.

Getting close to game is bow hunting. What your partners are doing is just BS.

Things that matter the most should never be at the mercy of things that matter the least.