Back in 2009/2010 I became a "pro-wolf" advocate in MN. in order to "invade" their world via meetings. I can sum up their sentiment in a couple of sentences.
The pro-wolf crowd believes they have just as much right to be free and breed unencumbered by man. If they impact ranch herds, elk or deer so be it - they "were here first"! A great majority of the pro-wolf members also are devout believers in climate change, are anti-oil recovery, right down the line of socialist causes.
Members actually said they didn't care if wolves started to make inroads in big game populations. Can you guess why? They are staunch anti-gun ownership. So if the hunters had fewer harvest chances, so what, screw them.

Its NOT about a biological balance, although they talk this sentiment up big time. Its about using the courts and the ESA to get their way and frustrate hunters.

My home is the "sanctuary residence" for my firearms.