Took two buddies of mine elk hunting a number of years ago. One guy's Ruger 77 broke the day before the hunt so I loaned him mine. His was 30-06, mine was 7mm-08. We killed a nice bull the first morning and he went off on his own to try and get his own. Apparently he didn't realize that he only had 30-06 ammo in his pack and the 4-5 7mm rounds that were in the rifle.

Shot a bull and knocked him down and got one lung ( I think). Then followed him up and made another poor shot. Shot again and hit him in the skull where the antler attaches. This knocked him out. He went up to take photos and the bull got up. He was now empty and couldn't find anymore ammo!

He sat 20 yards from the bull for several hours until it finally died. He had a whole roll of film of the bull looking at him.

Crazy things can happen. I'm glad he didn't try and play Chuck Norris and cut his throat!

NRA Benefactor Member

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.