When I was about 10 or 11, I was hunting with my grandpa, grandma and my uncle. We dropped my uncle off at a spot and drove to a pre-arranged area to wait for him. We hadn't been there more than 5 minutes when he came running up and wanted a knife. I found his Buck knife on the seat and tossed it to him. He took off running and stumbling as his boots has no shoelaces. I knew something good must have happened so I took off after him.

About 100 yards into the timber I saw a dead doe lying there and a 2-point buck tied to a tree by his antlers with shoelaces! I kid you not.

Apparently my uncle had shot both the doe and the buck but only knocked the buck out. He had no knife and no more ammo so he took the laces out of his logging boots and tied the buck to a small tree. The buck was very much alive and pissed when we got there!

I don't remember the rodeo only that my uncle killed the buck and didn't get seriously hurt. My grandad was sorely pissed about the doe. I was sent back to the truck while words were exchanged.

He came on the hunt with only 2 or 3 rounds! He killed more than a 100 deer with his 22-250 and who knows how many elk. He was the best rifleman I had ever known and also the most prolific poacher. I probably don't know the half of all the stunts he pulled.

NRA Benefactor Member

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.