Originally Posted by goalie

I think Doc should just do all of his med administration, assessments, and cares without the aid of nursing if he gets any Ebola patients where he works.

goalie, don't think I haven't done (and still do) a helluva lot of that stuff myself. Part of the reason I left big city hospital practice to work in the sticks was so I could feel like part of a team again... and me and my nurses and techs ARE a team. We all get our gloves dirty.

Like I said in the post you objected to, I meant no disrespect to the nursing profession in general, but the nurse in question here did something MOST nurses I know would NEVER do. (You should see how badly this nurse is being excoriated by other nurses on internet forums right now!)

I apologize if my earlier post was taken as a slam against nurses in general, it was not intended as such. It could just as easily been an unprofessional doctor who committed this gross error, I know enough MD's who couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars