So again where is the incentive to get off/stay off the gov.tit?

It might come in the form of a no bid contract, leases, mining, timber sales and tourism. Of course there will have to be administrators and workers. It might even be done in house, but highly doubtful.

People view reality largely based on their own backyard. Whether 'I' earned it or not- as long as I have mine- why should I worry about anyone else; that seems to be a prevalent attitude.

Reality is, that capitalism has always provided the money for all the other isms.

It's kind of hard for the major population center to bitch about what other places get when they exist on the backs of some of those same places.

Again, that sounds a lot like robinhood, take from the worker and give to the jobless. When the bottom fell out of sea otters, did the russians give the natives food stamps?

Anchorage might be largely responsible for electing our representatives but they aren't elected to represent Anchorage alone - or Juneau- or Fairbanks; they represent all of Alaska - even those parts some of us don't care about.

Everyone wants something for their buck, and some want something for nothing. You may not believe it, but I heard when times got tough way back, some folks out there turned nomadic and moved to a better place to survive.

Son of a liberal: " What did you do in the War On Terror, Daddy?"

Liberal father: " I fought the Americans, along with all the other liberals."