Again the existence of the largest population center in Alaska happened at the behest of the Fed Gov (and at the expense of private enterprise: capitalism in other places). Some people don't appreciate some things when they get them for nothing. I'm not saying it was a bad deal overall; but I also don't think it is unrealistic for the haves to correct some of what was ruined for some of the have-nots. Unfortunately defending that idea clouds some of the real issues that continue to be so wrong. (I would have a hard time saying that the 'railroad to Nome' is somehow worse than the railroad to Fairbanks some 90 years ago was however. In fact it might even make more sense.)

I have to say that living in Fairbanks does seem like easy street compared to life in the bush in so many respects. Things are so cheap.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.