Originally Posted by 79S
Originally Posted by atvalaska
Parnell took a spanking for having no idea why fbks, has such high fuel prices for cars an home heating and NEVER helped a bit... in all his lame years in office... f- us !! ... the big city south with set n-gas prices!!! ....AND Parnell >>> let our miners in the 40 mile country ...take it up the dry azz >>>>>>with the FEDS and the state SS troopers ..!@#$#@!@#

So you want the state subsidized fuel prices in Fairbanks? What you want the state to do? They won't build natural gas pipeline their is no need for it outside Alaska... Only way a natrual gas pipeline will be built is when their is a demand for natrual gas outside Alaska.
you mean like the rest of the state www.iser.uaa.alaska.edu/Publications/2012_03_14-All_AK_Rate.pdf ...... http://www.adn.com/article/20120825/cost-heating-fuel-has-fairbanks-bush-hurting we ain't had no 30/40 year sweet heart gas deal.

I work harder than a ugly stripper....